Reverend Janet Parsons

Opening to Joy

Our theme for December is Stillness.   On this third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete (or Joy) Sunday, we’ll explore how embracing stillness can lead to joy.   We welcome musician Peter Freisinger, and we will be leading the service live on Zoom from our sanctuary. Meeting ID: 951 8302 5526 Passcode: 513745    

What Grounds Us?

This week we are invited to think deeply about what we are grateful for.  Sunday we are going to shift the conversation deeper and think about our sources of strength, coping mechanisms, what helps us stay whole and connected. Meeting ID: 951 8302 5526 Passcode: 513745

Light from the Broken Places

We are living in a time of deep fear and grief.  How do we move past those toward wholeness?  What can ancient art forms teach us?  Join us this Sunday! Meeting ID: 951 8302 5526  Passcode: 513745

Side by Side: Holding Grief and Hope

Sunday is All Souls, an important date in the Universalist calendar. We will honor and remember our losses in a year of terrible loss and grief.  At the same time, we look forward with hope and faith in the future.  We lead the service from the sanctuary. Join us!   pwd=WGNWOXNzZjBDckNJTGxlbjUwekxnQT09  Meeting ID:951 8302 5526 … Continued

In Another’s Shoes

Our spiritual theme for October is Deep Listening.  In recent months we have been confronting how much at odds we are in this country, and how we struggle to hear each other’s words.  What would happen if we could find a way to listen and to hear one another?   Join:  ID:951 8302 5526 Passcode: 513745 … Continued

Forever Building

What does it mean to be a community during hard times, especially during times when we cannot be physically together?  As we get ready to open our Annual Budget Drive, join us for an inspiring story, great music from our own Deb Hardy, and lots of images of our beloved church home and family.  Meeting ID: … Continued

We Begin Again in Love

As we turn toward autumn, it is a time for considering how we have missed the mark, for beginning again to set forth with new commitments.  We will reflect on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, and the renewed spirit that atonement can bring. Meeting ID: 951 8302 5526 Passcode: 513745  One tap mobile +16465588656,,95183025526# US (New … Continued

Whole, Broken, and Then Whole Again

Rosh Hashanah began Thursday.  This ushers in the Jewish Days of Awe, the High Holy Days, which culminate 10 days later on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.  A time for introspection, repentance, and forgiveness.  As we focus on Renewal, how can we work to renew our relationships?   Zoom:  Meeting ID: 951 8302 5526 Passcode: 513745 One tap … Continued

Renewing the Ties That Bind

The second Sunday of September is traditionally our Ingathering Service, when we begin a new church year.  This year is different. We cannot gather in person, but still rely on our church community.  To renew connections, we will have our traditional Water Ceremony, in a different way.  Join us! Meeting ID: 951 8302 5526 Passcode: 513745 +16465588656,,95183025526# … Continued

Virtual Pet Blessing

Have your pets nearby for their 15 seconds of fame during our Zoom service, and also something sacred to you to use to bless them with. If you’ve recently lost a beloved pet, you are welcome to send a photo for the memorial portion of the service to Roger Garberg by Wed Aug 26. Meeting … Continued