DRE Rose Sheehan

RE Sunday: A Celebration of Our Sources

Unitarian Universalists are intentional in turning to a diversity of sources as we seek to discover truth and make meaning in our lives. Join us for a Celebration of Our Sources!

“What We Need Is Here”

Please join us for a multigenerational service designed for all ages, led by Reverend Janet Parsons and Director of Religious Exploration Rose Sheehan.  All are welcome! Come help us set our communal table of abundance.

Religious Exploration Sunday: The Journey of Jumping Mouse

Today we celebrate our Religious Exploration Program. We will have a narrative based service For All Ages, which will return to the Soul Matters themes we explored this year. Special music will be provided by Sabine Harnisch on violin and Deb Hardy and Kerry Mullen on drums.

April 9, 2017: “Liberation and Transformation”

The Stories of Palm Sunday and Passover.”  Join us for a service for all ages as we explore the ancient stories of Passover and Palm Sunday.  What do they have to teach us? Led by Reverend Janet Parsons and Rose Sheehan, DRE